all chord symbols are broken in musescore 4

How To Fix MuseScore 4 Chord Symbols Not Showing Bug

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Chord symbols are gone after upgrading to MuseScore 4 

After installing the latest version of MuseScore, you might have noticed that all your carefully placed chord symbols are gone away from the sheet music. We also noticed this bug and found an easy, yet effective solution. To fix this bug, just follow the steps below.

How to fix the MuseScore 4 chord symbols not showing bug

Step 1: In the toolbar menu, click on «format» and then «Style».

step 1 to fix musescore 4 bug

Step 2: Scroll down the list and select «Chord Symbols».

Step 3: On the «Extension scaling» setting, just click one time down and one time up. After that, click «OK».

Step 4: Et voilà, all your chord symbols are visible, again.

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