Spooky Spider Synthesizer – Halloween 2023

Erschaffe gruselige Melodien mit dem Haunting Melodies Synthesizer: Erschaffe unheimliche Kompositionen mit einer Spinne im Netz, wähle Skalen und Instrumente und füge Hall hinzu, um ein wirklich gespenstisches Erlebnis zu schaffen. Entfessle an Halloween deinen inneren Komponisten!

Den Klang von .svg enthüllen: Klangio Logo auf einem Oszilloskop

Seid gegrüßt, Musikentdecker und visuelle Enthusiasten! Bereite dich darauf vor, eine hypnotisierende Mischung aus Kunst und Klang zu erleben, wie du sie noch nie erlebt hast. In unserem neuesten YouTube-Video begeben wir uns auf eine einzigartige Reise, um herauszufinden, wie sich eine .svg-Datei anhört. Ja, du hast richtig gelesen! Wir haben die .svg-Datei des Klangio-Logos […]

Top 10 Songs for a Spooky Halloween Eve

It’s getting real! In a few days, one of our favorite times of the year will start: Halloween! Pumpkins, creepy costumes and sweets everywhere – that all sounds good, but to get into the right spooctober mood one important thing is necessary: the right music playlist with real Halloween tracks to be scared. Whether for […]

Why do we get Goosebumps after listening to Music?

Standing in the 21st century, with a fragmented world on one side and beaming hopes on the other, the only constituent which effectively seems to unite these two strings is art and its distinct forms. Everything that soothes your senses, allows you an escape from the regular and fills your mind with tranquillity is qualified […]

What Is the Coolest Instrument to Play?

There is neither a subtle choice for the best instrument nor endless reasons to justify it. In general, the criteria to consider evaluating which of those instruments that we have always had in mind when fantasizing about becoming instrumentalists would be our ideal instrument. Same as those, we can consider when selecting an instrument we […]

Top 10 Gift Ideas Piano Players Will Love for Under $30

Looking for the perfect little gift for a piano player? Your musician will appreciate a gift that’s keyed into his or her passion. We searched hundreds of ideas and narrowed them down to 10 pianists will be crazy about. If you are looking for a last minute gift, scroll right down to the bottom! T-Shirt […]

Musical Humour

“Life would be a slow bleeding to death were it not for poetry.” Going by the looks of it, music appears as a tremendously serious affair that commands to be attended with elaborate deliberations and profound musical skills. Well, we cannot completely steer away from accepting this, but the crux of the matter is that […]