
Create guitar tabs from your
favorite piece of music!

Guitar music and artificial intelligence – how does that fit together? Pretty well! Our AI software transcribes your acoustic, electric and bass guitar recording as an MP3 and automatically generates a tablature for you as PDF, MusicXML, MIDI or GuitarPro5 file.

Are you curious?

Transcribe the first 20s for free. No account necessary!


You play the music piece of your choice or upload a video from YouTube.


Our AI processeses the played notes and chords.


And converts them fast and easy into sheet music and tabs.

We save you time and reduces stress. We support your creativity.

Listen to our example



Which playing technique of a guitar do you prefer?

Guitar2Tabs supports two playing modes. You can choose between both by starting the transcription:


Do you master the fingerstyle and looking for matching tabs to your favorite cover? Try the fingerpicking mode.


Your world revolves around chords? Are you looking for a specific chord progression including rhythm patterns? Try the strumming mode.

Known from

Experience the power of Guitar2Tabs with our free trial and flexible plans

Unlock the full potential of Guitar2Tabs and turn your guitar riffs into sheet music effortlessly. Try our transcription service for free with the first 20 seconds of your recording, and see the results for yourself. Then, choose the right plan for you. Each plan includes access to our high-quality transcription service, with no commitment and no risk.

How does Guitar2Tabs work?

Once your music piece is uploaded, our artificial intelligence powered transcriber processes it to generate a sheet music based on what it hears.

Once the processing is finished, you can download 4 different file types: the sheet music and tabs as a PDF file, quantized and unquantized MIDI files, a digital notation as a MusicXML file and the tabs for GuitarPro and TuxGuitar.

Do you have any questions? Then take a look at our FAQ.

Quick Results

Transcribing music manually takes hours, our AI delivers results after only a few minutes.

Machine Learning

We use algorithms that we taught how to extract notes from a piano recording.

Artificial Intelligence

The more pieces of music our AI transcribes, the better results it provides.

About us

  • We are experts when AI lives in symbiosis with music transcription.
  • We are a start-up from Karlsruhe, Germany, that aims to establish Artificial Intelligence in the music world, enabling musicians worldwide to transcribe their favorite pieces fully automatically.
  • We are like your favorite piece of music: different and there when you need us.
Learn more about us!

Download Guitar2Tabs

You can use Guitar2Tabs without download via browser:

Or download the smartphone app on your Android or IOS device and also make recordings directly through the microphone:

One App - Endless Possibilities!

Find out how to utilize Guitar2Tabs as a:

Whether you are creating your own composition or trying to figure out the notes of an existing guitar piece, Guitar2Tabs’ artificial intelligence allows you to transcribe recordings in a simple and fast way.

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