Klangio Help Center

How To Get Started with the Klangio Apps

If you’re curious about the Klangio Apps, but don’t know where to start, then you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, I will explain to you, how to get started with the Klangio Apps.

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What can the Apps do?

The Klangio Apps are focused around Automated Music Transcriptions. In other words, you can upload music, use a YouTube Link or record your instruments and the Klangio AI will listen to your music and generate sheet music for your specific instrument. You can then play back the transcription as notes or as a pianoroll, edit it and download it in multiple formats. Each App comes with its own set of features, find out more about what music you can transcribe with Klangio here.

You can start free demo transcriptions with any Klangio apps with just a couple clicks. Simply click on the app name below to get started:

Klangio Transcription Studio – Transcribe multiple instruments from any song into notes and TABs.

Piano2Notes – Transcribe the piano from any song into notes.

Guitar2Tabs – Transcribe the guitars and bass from any song into notes and TABs.

Sing2Notes – Transcribe the vocals and their lyrics from any song into notes.

Drum2Notes – Transcribe drums from any song into notes.

Scan2Notes – Scan your sheet music, instead of using audio files. Click here to find out more.

What can I do with an Automated Music Transcription?

You can use the notation to play along to your favorite song with an instrument, to write down your own compositions, or to modify the notation to use it in your own music. You can of course download your transcriptions in many different formats. The possibilities are endless 😉

Where do I Start?

Using the apps is really simple, and transcribing a piece of music just takes a couple clicks. A good way to start is to transcribe your favorite song from YouTube. Simply install one of the apps on your phone or get started right away at our homepage for free!

Feel free to check out the other articles in our Help Center, if you have questions about how to get started with the Klangio apps. If you’re still stuck, please reach out to via our Contact Form. We’re happy to help!

What are your feelings
Updated on March 26, 2025