Klangio Help Center

MP3 to Sheet Music

Scenario: You have this song you would love to be able to play yourself. But you only have the MP3 file and no sheet music for it. Here is how to get your sheet music

  1. Click on “try it out” or scroll down a little bit, you are able to choose between the 30s free demo version and the full version by turning on “Use Tickets” in the top right corner.
    • Now you are able to click on “Drop or select audio file here” (or drop your file directly into the grey Box)
  2. Select the song of your choosing from your device. Your file can be in the following formats: mp3, m4a, flac, wav and mid
  3. A window opens: Set Title and Author, Fill in the information, accept terms and click on continue
  4. You are now able to edit additional settings and click on transcribe
  5. Your transcription will automatically start, and an estimated processing time will be displayed. Please stay on the page while your song is being transcribed.
  6. Your sheet will be displayed on your screen as soon as the transcription is finished. Now you will also be able to purchase the full version
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Updated on October 31, 2022