Klangio Help Center

My Klangio Subscription is not Active

If you’ve just upgraded to our Pro Subscription for any of the Klangio apps and realize that you still can’t access your premium features, then you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, I will show you how to fix this.

Confirm your Purchase #

First check if the purchase was successful, by checking your Mail Inbox. Here you should find a receipt that your payment was received and your subscription is now active.

Log out and Log in #

Occasionally the Klangio Account struggels to register the changes. To fix this, simply log out and log back into your account.

Contact Us! #

In case, you still don’t have access to your premium features, then please wait for one hour and try it again. If even this doesn’t help, please reach out to us via our contact formular.

I hope that explains how to activate your Klangio Subscription if it doesn’t do so automatically. Feel free to leave any question below, I’m happy to help!

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Updated on May 22, 2024