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How To Add Lyrics to your Melody Scanner Sheet

If you want to add lyrics to your transcription from Melody Scanner then you’ve come to the right place. In this step-by-step guide, I will show you how to do that.

Step 1: Start a New / Open a Previous Transcription

First open a transcription in Melody Scanner, or start a new transcription with one of the modes.

Step 2: Open the Edit Mode

The Play and Edit Mode of Melody Scanner
Click on “EDIT” in the top left corner.

You can now open the Edit Mode by clicking on “EDIT” in the top left corner of the transcription viewer.

Step 3: Select the Lyrics Editor

The Edit Mode icons of Melody Scanner
Click on “Edit Lyrics” above the displayed notes.

Now click on the speech bubble icon to open the lyrics editor.

Step 4: Add Lyrics

Click on a note and then type your lyrics.

Click on a note in the sheet that you want to add lyrics to. You can now type in the lyrics that you want to be displayed. Hit the “TAB” key or simply click on the next note to jump forward and back.

Step 5: Save your Song

The Save Menu of Melody Scanner
Click on the “Save” icon to save your changes.

Once you’re done with adding your lyrics, you can save your changes to the sheet by clicking on the “Save Song” icon in the top right corner of the screen.

I hope that explains the basic process of how to add lyrics to your transcription. Feel free to let me know in the comments below if you have any further questions. I’m happy to help!

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Updated on May 17, 2024