Klangio Help Center

Record my Midi Keyboard via USB

Scenario: You connected your Midi Keyboard to your Desktop or Smartphone and want to record music directly from it, without needing to use a microphone.

Disclaimer: This feature is only supported in Google Chrome and in the Android App!

  1. Press the Plus-button on the right bottom corner
  2. Choose the Record-button.
  3. A dialog opens and asks you to choose your instrument.
    Select “MIDI KEYBOARD” and press the “NEXT” button.
  4. At the next step, you can configure a metronome if needed.
  5. After a click, you get to the actual recording step.
    If you don’t plug in your midi keyboard yet, you will see a message like that:

    Plug in your keyboard, and you can now press the recording button to start recording your playing.
  6. When you are finished with recording, press the record button again and the recording will be stopped.
  7. Click on “NEXT” and follow the remaining steps. (There is no preview available for midi)
  8. At the last step, a click on “START” will upload the midi file to Melody Scanner and the transcription will start.
  9. After about a minute, the transcription should be finished, and you can access the beautiful sheet that was created!

How to connect your Midi Keyboard on a smartphone or tablet: #

  • Most Android devices support the so called USB-OTG (on the go) mode.
  • This means you can use a “USB OTG adapter” similar to that one to connect your midi keyboard to your phone or tablet.
  • For more details on USB-OTG support, have a look at your device manufacturer’s page or ask google.
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Updated on July 29, 2022